Ray and the Dog II by Ben Comeau

Ray stepped through the door and into the harsh cold. The wind was light but sharp and the daylight awesome but distant and unwarming. He was about to step off the curb before catching himself. The blue painted door to the coffee shop closed behind him, silencing the unnerving conversation between the cashier and the Read More…

Wolf King Prologue by Aidan Danforth

The medieval world is a land of opportunity and power. Within that land lies many conflicts, both internal and external, that can result in the rise or fall for anyone who wishes to change their world. The unknown land of “The Wolf King” houses ten provinces, each housed by one lord whose task is to Read More…

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS – Final Deadline April 1, 2024

Calling all creative writers, poets, photographers, and artists! Temper, UMass Dartmouth’s literary magazine, is still accepting submissions! Interested in getting published? Here are our categories and guidelines. Categories: Short Stories, Poetry, Creative Non-fiction, Artwork, Photographs, Plays. Guidelines: 5000-word limit to current UMass Dartmouth students, 1000-word limit for UMass Dartmouth alumni. We are able to accept Read More…